Student success experts have prescribed potential solutions to declining Black student enrollment and retention numbers in California’s public universities in a recent report published by The California State University (CSU) Office of the Chancellor.
Class of 2022 data revealed that only 48% of Black, first-year students who enrolled in the CSU in fall 2016 earned their degree in six years, according to the Black Student Success Workgroup Report.
The report is the culmination of 2023 workgroup study spurred by then-Interim Chancellor Jolene Koester’s call for the university system’s leadership to redouble efforts to advance Black student success.
The subsequent workgroup comprising representatives with expertise in student success met regularly to study and discuss how to attract and retain more Black students to the CSU.
In February 2023, the workgroup hosted three virtual listening forums, respectively targeting Black students, Black faculty, and Black staff across CSU’s 23 universities.
“What these and other activities subsequently revealed was a gap between our collective aspirations and a more challenging and complex reality,” said Drs. Thomas A. Parham and Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval, co-chairs for the workgroup. “Thus, our recommendation that the CSU system abandons the romantic illusion of Black equity in the system was further reinforced by the those who participated in our listening and focus group sessions.”
The report provides insights on closing “the gap between our aspirational and actual selves in the CSU” to realize the full potential of Black students on campus. It examines existing practices and identifies practices that could scale systemwide and proposes fixes to practices that hinder Black student progress.