Title: Associate Professor, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh
Age: 39
Education: B.A., sociology and political science, Elon University; M.Ed., counselor education (student affairs), Clemson University; and Ph.D., educational research and policy analysis (higher education), North Carolina State University
Career mentors: Dr. Audrey “AJ” Jaeger, North Carolina State University; Dr. Jori Hall, University of Georgia; Dr. Tony Cawthon, Clemson University; Dr. Donald “DJ” Mitchell Jr., Molloy University; and Dr. Leigh Patel, University of Pittsburgh
Words of wisdom/advice for new faculty members: Find and develop a community of supportive colleagues and mentors. Be open to change and new directions as a teacher, scholar, advisor, and mentor.
Dr. Darris Means has authored and co-authored dozens of peer-reviewed articles, has received nearly $500,000 to support research and innovations in practice, has won a National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation postdoc fellowship, and has served as the Dean’s Faculty Scholar in Equity, Justice and Rural Education in the School of Education at the University of Pittsburgh. “It’s all a team effort,” Means said.