Jamaal Abdul-AlimStudentsFederal System Adds Transfer, Part-time Student Data to MixA longstanding effort to include more information about outcomes for transfer and part-time students materialized Thursday with the release of more detailed data through the federal Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System.October 12, 2017StudentsSpellings: Affordability Is Families’ No.1 Concern Regarding CollegeContaining college costs and streamlining financial aid must be at the forefront of the nation’s higher education agenda, University of North Carolina System President Margaret Spellings said Tuesday.October 10, 2017StudentsOrganizers Offer Chess as Gateway to CollegeThe Cleveland Scholastic Open is distinct among chess tournaments in that organizers go to great lengths to secure scholarships for the winners.October 9, 2017Students2 Groups Brace for Anticipated New Challenge of Affirmative ActionTwo organizations are interpreting a U.S. Department of Justice letter as “proof” that the department is hellbent on challenging affirmative action.October 5, 2017StudentsMerging of Savings Accounts Proposed for College FundingChildren’s savings accounts and college promise initiatives could be stronger if the two funding mechanisms for higher education were merged together, a professor argues.October 4, 2017StudentsGeorgia State Backed Up Analytics With Support SystemGeorgia State University’s academic achievement success story can be traced to the university’s decision to hire 42 academic advisors to act on the information gleaned from its use of predictive analytics.October 2, 2017Asian American Pacific IslanderExperts: Institutionalizing Programs at AANAPISIs is EssentialOne of the best ways for Asian American, Native American and Pacific Islander students to move from the margins of higher education to the mainstream is for colleges and universities to institutionalize the programs designed to serve them.October 1, 2017StudentsDollar General Latest Business Offering Tuition ReimbursementAs part of a growing trend among businesses seeking to attract and retain dedicated talent, Dollar General announced that employees will be eligible for a tuition reimbursement program covering all or much of the cost of attending an online degree program at Bellevue University.September 28, 2017StudentsStudent Loan Default Rate Rises SlightlyThe portion of students defaulting on their federal student loans inched up 11.3 to 11.5 percent, data released Wednesday by the U.S. Department of Education show.September 27, 2017StudentsAnalysis: States’ Interest in Outcomes-based Higher Ed Funding GrowsTwice as many states – four – as the prior year adopted outcomes-based funding in higher education in 2017, and a growing number of state legislatures made an effort to do so but got thwarted in the end, a new analysis released Tuesday by the Education Commission of the States shows.September 26, 2017Previous PagePage 2 of 79Next Page