Title: Director, American Indian Policy Institute, Arizona State University
Dr. Traci Morris, a member of the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma, has worked with Native American tribes, tribal businesses as well as artists and non-profits; she has also written a college-accredited curriculum in Native American new media and has advocated for digital inclusion on Capitol Hill and before the Federal Communications Commission. Under her leadership, the American Indian Policy Institute (AIPI) has grown and diversified its service to Indian Country via a memorandum of understanding formalizing a long-standing partnership with the Native American Finance Officers Association. She also has led AIPI in forming the Tribal Economic Leadership Program offering training in areas including tribal economic governance and financial management, access to entrepreneurship training and tribal business support.
Morris’s research portfolio includes publications on Native American media and the digital divide. Her book Native American Voices: A Reader continues to be a primary teaching tool in colleges throughout the country. Morris holds an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in American Indian studies and a B.A. in liberal arts from Colorado State University.